The individual circuit components are generally microscopic in size. The resulting circuit is thus a small monolithic ‘chip,’ which may be as small as a few square millimeters. Integrated circuit, an assembly of electronic components with miniature devices built up on a semiconductor substrate.Figure 13.25 A general scheme for generating triangular and square waveforms. This circuit is called an astable multivibrator. (c) Waveforms at various nodes of the circuit in (b). Astable Multivibrators Figure 13.24 (Continued) (b) The circuit obtained when the bistable multivibrator is implemented with the circuit of Fig.The frequency at which the capacitor voltage oscillates is given by: Fosc = I(Vin)/(4*Vbe*C) I(Vin) is the current from the voltage controlled current source. source (the collector currents of Q7 and Q8).